Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Project


  1. A1: The most visually striking image is page 7, with the bright pink Coke can offset against the darker blue and green background.
    A2: The least striking image is page 4. The neutral green and gray background doesn't make the pink highlights pop, and the difference between those highlights and the color of the pink rectangle in the top left corner is distracting.
    A3: The continuity isn't great. The image set doesn't seem to have a distinct theme and the color scheme is all over the place.

  2. A1: The triad pages are the most visually stunning, likely because of the use of primary colors, and the red and blue have similar values, which accentuates it. Good job!

    A2: The first page is unfortunately the least visually striking. It might be the computer monitor, but even at full brightness, it is difficult to see the dark blue violet. The background is a nice gradient though.

    A3: Because the first page is much smoother in appearance and darker, the book does not start out smoothly. Also I wasn't sure what the storyline was. At first I thought it was all about food, but not all of the pictures had food. I think it would improve if you made sure of all the tiny details. For example, some pages are missing their prompts. And some shapes are outlined when they probably shouldn't be.

  3. A1: The most striking one to me is the fourth. It uses triad which very saturated yellow blue and red really catches my attention.

    A2:The least striking one to me is the first image. It uses the concept color weight. The black is really heavy but the background also feels heavy. If add some tint into it, it may look better.

    A3: Overall, it is a little bit hard to follow. It seems like a break between image 4, 5 and 6. and the value of each page jumps so much so it does not flow very well.
